FGO JP (Fate/Grand Order Japan) is a turn-based RPG where players summon powerful heroes, known as “Servants,” to battle in a storyline that spans various historical periods. With a rich storyline and exciting combat mechanics, FGO JP immerses you in a world of epic battles and strategic gameplay.


FGO JP (Fate/Grand Order Japan) Mobile Game


FGO JP (Fate/Grand Order Japan) is a turn-based RPG where players summon powerful heroes, known as “Servants,” to battle in a storyline that spans various historical periods. With a rich storyline and exciting combat mechanics, FGO JP immerses you in a world of epic battles and strategic gameplay.

How to Play

  1. Summoning Servants: Use Saint Quartz or summoning tickets to summon Servants from different classes. These heroes will fight alongside you in missions and events.
  2. Battle Mechanics: Combat is turn-based, allowing you to choose different attacks from your Servants. Chain your attacks for higher damage or special effects like “Brave Chains” and “Noble Phantasms” to gain the upper hand in battles.
  3. Servant Growth: Level up your Servants using experience cards, Ascend them to unlock new abilities, and enhance their skills for better performance in battle.
  4. Story and Events: Participate in the main story, which takes you through different historical settings where you’ll face powerful enemies. Limited-time events also offer exclusive rewards and rare Servants.
  5. Team Building: Strategize by selecting a balanced team of Servants. Combine different classes and skill sets to tackle specific enemies more effectively.

Tips for Success

  • Manage Resources: Use Saint Quartz wisely and avoid impulsive summoning. Save them for banner events with limited-time Servants.
  • Leveling Priority: Focus on leveling up your key Servants to ensure you have a strong lineup for challenging quests.
  • Craft Essences: Equip Craft Essences to enhance your Servants’ stats and abilities during battles.
  • Friend Support: Use the support system by borrowing strong Servants from your friends or other players for tougher missions.


FGO JP is a strategic RPG that allows you to summon legendary heroes and engage in battles across different eras. Build your team, grow your Servants, and immerse yourself in a story filled with thrilling combat and historical adventures. Ready your Servants for the battles ahead!

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